Staff & Board Members
STAFF Walter Mugove Nyika
ReSCOPE Facilitator
Walter is the Regional Schools and Colleges Permaculture Programme Facilitator and has served the position of a regional Facilitator since inception. While growing up, he lived with his grandparents who practiced traditional farming so grew up as a healthy boy eating nutritious indigenous food. He is a trained Geography Teacher and one of the subjects he enjoyed teaching was agriculture however due to his background in traditional agriculture, he found that what he was teaching in school was not suitable because green revolution requires money to buy seeds and equipment to plough the land. He then began looking for an alternative, he found out that there was an approach called Permaculture. He attended a Permaculture course for two weeks. The course was so inspiring and really transformed his life. Walter decided to stop teaching and joined Permaculture in 1996.
He is a permaculture practitioner who passionately builds the capacity of people in permaculture. He started practicing by working with one school in Zimbabwe to promote permaculture in schools, since he had a background in education, he took the initiative and thought of the name Schools and Colleges in Permaculture (SCOPE). He discussed the initiative with the Ministry of Agriculture in Harare, Zimbabwe who later agreed to house the programme. The agreement with the Ministry shaped his approach to advocacy too and contributed to the formation of Scope Malawi, Zambia, Uganda and Kenya.
Walter is also the advisory council member of Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) Africa He is also the President of Friends of International Permaculture Convergence (FIPC).
Skype: mugove.habitats
Twitter: @rescopeprogram
Facebook: Rescope ProgrammeKaren Nekesa Samukoya
Communications and Advocacy Coordinator, ReSCOPE
Karen was born in an indigenous community in Kenya and is naturally passionate about culture and nature. Prior to joining ReSCOPE, Karen worked for African Biodiversity Network (ABN) as a Regional Communication and Advocacy Coordinator, a network which connects people to nature and culture. She has strength in communications, lobbying/advocacy, and vast experience in strengthening and enhancing the skills of communities, partners, and coalitions to advocate and influence policies at all levels. Karen is a trained journalist with experience in community development.
Karen has skills and knowledge in Governance, Accountability, Economic Literacy, Resource Mobilization, Policy and Advocacy – all from MS Training Centre for Development Corporation, Arusha, Tanzania. Her major strengths gained through experience include strong networking, leadership, dealing with multiple cultures, excellent communication skills, and being a strong team player. She has served on several Civil Society Boards and currently is a board member of Biosafety and Biodiversity Association of Kenya (BIBA-K).
Skype: nekesa.karen
Twitter: @rescopeprogram
Facebook: Rescope Programme
BOARD MEMBERSKenneth Mwakasungula
Chairperson, SCOPE Malawi
Director, Kasoba Community-Based Organization, Malawi
Kenneth was born in a village called ACC Mwakasungula. He comes from a royal family and has been a farmer since childhood. Coming from a poor background, he did not have the opportunity to pursue his education to the level he wanted; however, he went through secondary school and completed MSCE, during Kamunzu Banda regime. He attended different courses where he attained several relevant certificates that are helping him carry out his duties as the Director effectively.
Kenneth was elected as a Board Member and Chairperson of SCOPE Malawi in May 2019. He is also the Director of Kasoba community Based Organization (CBO) a SCOPE Malawi Country Chapter partner registered in 2001. The CBO collaborates with SCOPE Malawi in order to build working relationships and to strengthen the capacity of households and schools in permaculture. He attended a Permaculture Design Course (PDC) and began practicing permaculture in 2006 during the transition from ReSCOPE to SCOPE Malawi. He was once a school chairperson of Kasoba primary school who had a programme with the ministry of education known as School Health Nutrition – this is how the school connected with ReSCOPE in 2012. He was also once a Board Member of National Small Holders Association of Malawi. Kenneth preaches permaculture and looks forward to promoting the activities of SCOPE Malawi. If he doesn’t use his mouth his blood will talk!
Kenneth believes that ReSCOPE will forever accompany Country Chapters in accomplishing the goals and targets outlined in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Gertrude Monica Zulu Shinkanga
ReSCOPE Treasurer and Former Chairperson
Gertrude was born in the Eastern province of Zambia. Six months after she was born, her family moved to Zimbabwe where her father worked. Here she attended primary school up to grade 4. Her family then moved to Zambia where she completed her education and trained as a teacher. She continued with her education to university level and was then employed as a teacher. While working, Gertrude wore many hats: from teaching to head of department, and then decided to retire after 20 years. She then moved on to work for an NGO, where her work centered around family health, project management, monitoring, evaluation and analysis. After 5 years working with the NGO, she retired and got another job to conduct research with Morehouse School of Medicine of Atlanta Georgia in New York. She gained so much experience in community development and decided to start an NGO called Community Health Concern (CYC) where she worked with 40 young people who then became members of SCOPE Zambia.
After an evaluation of their collaboration with ReSCOPE through SCOPE Zambia implementing activities of nutritional gardens for schools, in 2006 a regional meeting was held in Lusaka. The meeting was attended by participants from Southern African Development Community (SADC) and East Africa (EAC) regional blocks. Gertrude was elected the ReSCOPE Board Chairperson and set up an office in Malawi. She served as the Chairperson for 10 years. In 2019, the ReSCOPE Office moved to Zambia and was hosted by CYC so she automatically became the ReSCOPE Treasurer to date.
Gertrude also served on the Terres des Homme (A German Organization) Secretariat committee, she was the longest serving member in Africa. She has experience in projects planning, writing strategic direction, and planning. Being a Catholic, she has been trained on leadership, rapid rural appraisal. She says if we have to mitigate and adapt to climate change, let us target young people. She salutes ReSCOPE for targeting young people as a channel to communicate the message – it is an effective strategy to reach out to all people because they are receptive unlike adults who in most cases do not take change positively. She believes that once young people are given space to develop, the sky is the limit!Tsuro Bore
Chairperson, SCOPE Zimbabwe
Tsuro Bore is an accomplished educator, project manager and administrator. Tsuro Bore worked as a teacher then joined Civil Society as a local Program Manager. He has rich experience in teaching, evaluation and policy analysis, Project oversight around HIV/AIDS, agriculture, food security and livelihoods, agroforestry, governance, education and social accountability. He is the Board Chairperson of SCOPE Zimbabwe and a ReSCOPE Board Member. He holds a Certificate in Education, BA degree in Development, MBA and now Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) candidate.
Tsuro has played a big role in establishing the new SCOPE Zimbabwe offices and strategy plan. He has been part of those who have seen the growth of SCOPE Zimbabwe since inception. His commitment stems from the need to change the food preferences given the health problems affecting people these days being driven by the SCOPE motto – grow your own, eat your own. SCOPE's simple but effective methods and approaches gives him the energy to go on, seeing how people are believing in the value that SCOPE is bringing in their lives. Aside from working with SCOPE, Tsuro likes to play his favorite sport, golf. Mostly, he likes the discipline and innovation brought about through golf!
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Skype: Tsuro.Bore
Twitter: @Tsuromabasa
Facebook: Tsuro Bore
Linkedin: Tsuro Bore