SCOPE Kenya | SCOPE Malawi | SCOPE Uganda | SCOPE Zambia | SCOPE Zimbabwe
Schools and Colleges Permaculture Programme (SCOPE) Kenya, is a local capacity-building and networking organization, which was established in 2014 by 14 Civil Society Organizations, with a purpose of strengthening implementation and coordination of work related to gardening and environmental conservation in schools. Currently SCOPE Kenya has a membership of 16 Civil Society Organizations working with 133 schools in 12 counties which are, Kiambu, Murang’a, Nyeri, Nakuru, Kisumu, Vihiga, Trans Nzoia, West Pokot, Laikipia, Meru, Tharaka Nithi and Machakos.
SCOPE Kenya promotes the establishment of food forest and environmental conservation in school across Kenya, through agro-ecological/permaculture practices. This is to address food& nutritional insecurity, environmental degradation and loss of biodiversity in the country.
The program supports school’s community in redesigning their land and establishment of sustainable productive systems, through a holistic school Integrated Land Use Design (ILUD) approach. SCOPE works through 16 organizations with 12 schools in 12 counties. The programs target beneficiaries include school pupils, teachers, parents and the entire community.
This initiative equips learners, teachers and their parents with knowledge and skills in organic gardening using environmentally friendly practices, soil and water management, waste management, crop rotation, companion planting and in integrated methods of pest management. Other areas includes food preparation and preservation through value addition as well as skills in agro-entrepreneurship skills to demonstrate income generation from agriculture.
SCOPE Kenya facilitates the establishment of agro ecology model schools which become centres of excellence and sources of information in the community.
The organization is a member of Regional Schools and Colleges Permaculture Programme (ReSCOPE), a network of SCOPE Country Chapters in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Uganda and Kenya. SCOPE Kenya also collaborates with Participatory Land Use Management (PELUM), Biodiversity and Biosafety Association (BIBA) and Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN) in Kenya.
Vision: Schools across Kenya being good learning examples of teacher-parent-student collaboration towards sustainable land use, leading to significant improvements in the environment, food security and livelihoods in the surrounding communities.
Mission: To transform schools into dynamic learning centers of sustainable land use in support of holistic community development.
John Macharia, National Coordinator
KU Boma Estate, House No:114 along Kenyatta road, Off Thika Super highway
P.O. Box 6123-01000
Thika, Kenya
Phone: +254 706972084
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Facebook: SCOPE Kenya
Instagram: scopekenya
SCOPE Malawi
The SCOPE Programme in Malawi was born out of the work of the ReSCOPE Programme and which in turn was born out of the work of SCOPE Zimbabwe. SCOPE Malawi was established to build the capacity of local organizations to facilitate sustainable land use in communities through schools. We also facilitate the sharing of experiences by partners who are working with school and college communities to build resilient and productive environments. The Programme helps interested partner organizations to use the Integrated Land Use Design (ILUD) process as a tool for school and college communities to develop multi-functional landscapes that help them to move towards food sovereignty, improved nutrition and more sustainable management of natural resources. When fully implemented, the ILUD process unfolds a startling transformation of lives and landscapes in pursuit of more sustainable living. The SCOPE Programme and its partners help people to establish food forests on previously dusty, bare land.
We are an organisation which uses the Integrated Land-Use Design (ILUD) process as a tool to assist schools to redesign their grounds in an ecologically sound manner with impressive results.
Vision: Quality of life in Malawian communities is improved.
Mission: To inspire and empower young people to end hunger and care for the Earth.
SCOPE Malawi
Area 6/310
P.O. Box 555
Lilongwe, Malawi
Telephone: +265 1 759 492
Cell: +265 999 939 060
Skype: chifundojay
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SCOPE Uganda
SCOPE Uganda started in September 2014 with 17 organizations spread across the country. All these organizations work with schools and they are promoting smart agro-ecological practices. It is a network that work with schools ensuring that children get practical education, and lunch meal while developing an ecologically sustainable landscape where children get countless learning.
Empowering children is at the forefront since they have virgin brains to passionately carry out agriculture in a way that heal the environment. SCOPE Uganda does not work alone, the organization works with support from development partners and through member organizations that use schools as entry points to the communities.
Vision: To Create food forests on school desert grounds so that children from hunger-stricken families get a nutritious meal at School. And children take these skills with them to their homes as ambassadors, hence producing abundant foods for a better income and livelihood.
Mission: To Make school communities vibrant centers of Excellency by giving learners practical skills so that they get countless learning while being mindful of their environment.
SCOPE Zambia
Schools, colleges and communities living in natural abundance.
Our mission is to assist schools, colleges and communities to live in abundance using their whole land creatively to produce a diverse range of nutritious food and other useful products; providing countless learning possibilities; contributing to community resilience and to the development of the whole person.
SCOPE Organisation Members:
SCOPE ZAMBIA is in a formation period. Currently SCOPE ZAMBIA has 7 Board Members. Since 2016 to date, the Board Members have managed to recruit 17 Member Organizations. These are:
Each organisation is implementing ILUD in two schools, a project supported by ReSCOPE PROGRAMME and funded by Bread for the World.
SCOPE Zambia
c/o Agribusiness Forum, Plot number 100/655 Ibex Hill extension
P.O. Box 30833
Lusaka, Zambia
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: +260 977770034, +260 97420931
SCOPE Zimbabwe
It is a vibrant and practical education programme of the Zimbabwe Institute of permaculture (ZIP) registered as a welfare organization (W.O. 12/92).
SCOPE's origins are in assisting schools to redesign and rationalize land use for sustainable resource use. SCOPE’s work is about: land care, creating a favorable learning environment in schools, connecting schools to their communities and the knowledge and resources that lie therein. Transforming bare landscapes into green and edible landscapes; Establishing food forests, in harmony with the planet earth, life skills, reconnecting communities to nature and celebrating biological and cultural diversity.
Integral to SCOPE work is the use of a tool called the integrated land use design (ILUD), a holistic way of using locally available resources. SCOPE's work is an attempt to encourage generations of systems thinkers by bringing the ethics and principles of permaculture design/regenerative systems into the school classroom to foster a future shaped by sustainable and resilient practices. Encouraging the adoption of green technology, particularly lo-tech solutions that can be implemented using recycled and locally available resources.
Vision: Green Schools that serve as learning and demonstration centers for communities, in contributing towards building a citizenry that is consciously working towards long term social, economic and environmental stability.
Mission: To increase the level of environmental knowledge, literacy and stewardship among all sectors of the community. Including children, youths, policy makers and the business world through an integrated approach.

SCOPE Kenya promotes the establishment of food forest and environmental conservation in school across Kenya, through agro-ecological/permaculture practices. This is to address food& nutritional insecurity, environmental degradation and loss of biodiversity in the country.
The program supports school’s community in redesigning their land and establishment of sustainable productive systems, through a holistic school Integrated Land Use Design (ILUD) approach. SCOPE works through 16 organizations with 12 schools in 12 counties. The programs target beneficiaries include school pupils, teachers, parents and the entire community.
This initiative equips learners, teachers and their parents with knowledge and skills in organic gardening using environmentally friendly practices, soil and water management, waste management, crop rotation, companion planting and in integrated methods of pest management. Other areas includes food preparation and preservation through value addition as well as skills in agro-entrepreneurship skills to demonstrate income generation from agriculture.
SCOPE Kenya facilitates the establishment of agro ecology model schools which become centres of excellence and sources of information in the community.
The organization is a member of Regional Schools and Colleges Permaculture Programme (ReSCOPE), a network of SCOPE Country Chapters in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Uganda and Kenya. SCOPE Kenya also collaborates with Participatory Land Use Management (PELUM), Biodiversity and Biosafety Association (BIBA) and Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN) in Kenya.
Vision: Schools across Kenya being good learning examples of teacher-parent-student collaboration towards sustainable land use, leading to significant improvements in the environment, food security and livelihoods in the surrounding communities.
Mission: To transform schools into dynamic learning centers of sustainable land use in support of holistic community development.
John Macharia, National Coordinator
KU Boma Estate, House No:114 along Kenyatta road, Off Thika Super highway
P.O. Box 6123-01000
Thika, Kenya
Phone: +254 706972084
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Facebook: SCOPE Kenya
Instagram: scopekenya
SCOPE Malawi

We are an organisation which uses the Integrated Land-Use Design (ILUD) process as a tool to assist schools to redesign their grounds in an ecologically sound manner with impressive results.
Vision: Quality of life in Malawian communities is improved.
Mission: To inspire and empower young people to end hunger and care for the Earth.
SCOPE Malawi
Area 6/310
P.O. Box 555
Lilongwe, Malawi
Telephone: +265 1 759 492
Cell: +265 999 939 060
Skype: chifundojay
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SCOPE Uganda
SCOPE Uganda started in September 2014 with 17 organizations spread across the country. All these organizations work with schools and they are promoting smart agro-ecological practices. It is a network that work with schools ensuring that children get practical education, and lunch meal while developing an ecologically sustainable landscape where children get countless learning.
Empowering children is at the forefront since they have virgin brains to passionately carry out agriculture in a way that heal the environment. SCOPE Uganda does not work alone, the organization works with support from development partners and through member organizations that use schools as entry points to the communities.
Vision: To Create food forests on school desert grounds so that children from hunger-stricken families get a nutritious meal at School. And children take these skills with them to their homes as ambassadors, hence producing abundant foods for a better income and livelihood.
Mission: To Make school communities vibrant centers of Excellency by giving learners practical skills so that they get countless learning while being mindful of their environment.
SCOPE Zambia

Our mission is to assist schools, colleges and communities to live in abundance using their whole land creatively to produce a diverse range of nutritious food and other useful products; providing countless learning possibilities; contributing to community resilience and to the development of the whole person.
SCOPE Organisation Members:
SCOPE ZAMBIA is in a formation period. Currently SCOPE ZAMBIA has 7 Board Members. Since 2016 to date, the Board Members have managed to recruit 17 Member Organizations. These are:
• United Church of Zambia (UCZ),
• Youth Alive Zambia (YAZ),
• Community Development Programme (CODEP)
• Community Youth Concern (CYC)
• Kapiri Eco village Empowerment Programme (KEEP)
• Environment Africa (EAfrica)
• Green Living Movement (GLM),
• Kaluli Development Foundation (KDF),
• Kaluli Development Foundation (KDF),
• Kasisi Agricultural Training Centre (KATC),
• Women Environs of Zambia (WEZ),
• Women Environs of Zambia (WEZ),
• Tikondane Community Centre (Tiko CC),
• Zambia Women and Girls Foundation (ZWGF)
• New Hope Waves,
• Revival NGO,
• Caro Trust
• Daughters of the Redeemer
• Revival NGO,
• Caro Trust
• Daughters of the Redeemer
Each organisation is implementing ILUD in two schools, a project supported by ReSCOPE PROGRAMME and funded by Bread for the World.
SCOPE Zambia
c/o Agribusiness Forum, Plot number 100/655 Ibex Hill extension
P.O. Box 30833
Lusaka, Zambia
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: +260 977770034, +260 97420931
SCOPE Zimbabwe

SCOPE's origins are in assisting schools to redesign and rationalize land use for sustainable resource use. SCOPE’s work is about: land care, creating a favorable learning environment in schools, connecting schools to their communities and the knowledge and resources that lie therein. Transforming bare landscapes into green and edible landscapes; Establishing food forests, in harmony with the planet earth, life skills, reconnecting communities to nature and celebrating biological and cultural diversity.
Integral to SCOPE work is the use of a tool called the integrated land use design (ILUD), a holistic way of using locally available resources. SCOPE's work is an attempt to encourage generations of systems thinkers by bringing the ethics and principles of permaculture design/regenerative systems into the school classroom to foster a future shaped by sustainable and resilient practices. Encouraging the adoption of green technology, particularly lo-tech solutions that can be implemented using recycled and locally available resources.
Vision: Green Schools that serve as learning and demonstration centers for communities, in contributing towards building a citizenry that is consciously working towards long term social, economic and environmental stability.
Mission: To increase the level of environmental knowledge, literacy and stewardship among all sectors of the community. Including children, youths, policy makers and the business world through an integrated approach.