Type of organization: Regional Partnership Non Profit Organization
Founded: 19th December 2006 at Lusaka, Zambia
Registered:  Registered in Zambia with the Registrar of NGOs in the Ministry of Community Development on 17 March 2016. Registration number RNGO/101/0553/16.  Registered 19th May 2007 with the Council for Non Governmental Organizations (CONGOMA) in Malawi. Registered 13th June 2007 with the Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Board in Malawi.

The Programme is run by a Board that is composed of the Chairpersons of the participating SCOPE Country chapters. The Board is therefore accountable to the Tri-Annual General Assemblies of the member SCOPE Programmes from the various countries. Currently the members are SCOPE Kenya, SCOPE Malawi, SCOPE Uganda, SCOPE Zambia and SCOPE Zimbabwe and several other countries are interested in joining the ReSCOPE network.

The Board appoints the General Coordinator who heads the Secretariat and is assisted by the Advocacy and Communications Coordinator, the Programmes Coordinator and the Finance and Administration Coordinator.
The secretariat serves the interests of the member SCOPE Country Chapter organisations who are autonomous organisations sharing a common vision and are guided by the same set of principles. Our core principles which we use to evaluate our performance are:
• Promoting deep and thoughtful care for the environment and everything in it, based on a wholesome view that understands the interconnections between all things.

• Promoting a needs based integrated land design practice that creatively weaves together the building of resilience within the ecosystem while moving communities towards food sovereignty, nutrition and income security.

• Emphasize the identification and creative use of local and indigenous resources and knowledge while rooted in our culture and celebrating intergenerational learning.
• Genuine and wide participation of young people at all levels of our activities.

• Make learning fun, practical and relevant for everyone, while having an integrated approach across the curricular and promoting the inclusive and active participation of whole communities.
• Ensuring systematic and regular reflection and learning from experience, and planning ahead strategically at all levels, in partnership with our stakeholders.
• Ensuring user friendly, regular and systematic documentation and transparent information sharing.

• Always start small, ensure quality and grow organically.